STR for Bug 1777800

  1. Open this page
  2. Open the netmonitor
  3. Click each of the Execute request buttons below
  4. and do the steps below for each of them


    This request body contains `query=evil\r\rcmd" /c timeout /t 3 & calc.exe\r\r`


    This request body contains `Lets CRLF \r\n then LF \n then CR \r then doublequote" then singlequote ' then percent % then env %os% then ampersand & then backslash \ 2bs \\ 3bs \\\ 1bsQ \" 2bsQ \\" 3bsQ \\\" then special chars ~!@#$%^&*()_+=-0987654321i\:wi\:w\`,./}]{[ |\/ end`


    This request body contains`;$(calc.exe)`


    This request body contains'line1\r\nline2\r\rline3\n\nline4'


    This request body contains `;echo %TEMP%`